Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Babcia wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!
She actually wanted me to take a picture of her decorations and her table setting to show that we are a "classy bunch" but I told her that wasn't funny, and therefore wouldn't put it on the blog... 
No spreading germs! Peace be with you and yours, as you FIST BUMP into the new year!

And here is a FIRST!

BABCIA reading part of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to you...
and to all a GOOD NIGHT!

Christmas wishes,

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Collector or Hoarder - You Decide.

My grandmother is one for sales. She couldn't pass up a sale if her life depended on it. But not just ANY sale... she can't pass up a sale on:
  • Placemats
  • Hand Towels
  • Cloth Napkins
  • Plates/Bowls/Cups/Glasses, etc
She has so many "Winter/Christmas" placemats, she could 1. open up her own store 2. feed the whole neighborhood on a different placemat each day of the season.

For example, beginning in Octoberish come the Autumn placemats. Then come the Leaf placemats in November along with the Turkey plates (WHO HAS TURKEY PLATES?!). But don't be fooled. The day after Thanksgiving, the Turkey plates go into hibernation, and out come... SNOWMAN PLATES and SNOWMAN BOWLS and the SNOW placemats in a variety of shapes and designs.

I've known she's had this "problem" for many years now. I would be over her house as a young girl, and there would always be new glasses in the cupboard. In my house, we would only replace glasses if and when they fell and broke. And guess where we would get replacement glasses from? Babcia's house! Because she had BOUNTIES of glassware. I have an entire bureau in my room...(four drawers) full of themed cloth napkins and placemats.

Example of 2 drawers...
Now, earlier in December I noticed an over-abundance of festive hand towels in the bathrooms. "JOY TO THE WORLD" and "WELCOME WINTER"  were embroidered on some, others had embroidered poinsettias or pine trees... As well as a basket. A WHOLE basket of small hand towels.
"Babcia, what are all of these hand towels for? There has to be 40 in there!" - Justine
"They're for the guests" - Babcia
"What guests? And HOW MANY ARE YOU EXPECTING?" - Justine
"Any guest... You're supposed to use one to dry your hands after you wash them and then put it in that basket over there when you're done." - Babcia
"I have been coming here for 23 years. I have never seen a sign or been told to do this in my life." - Justine
If you come to her you know how to dry your hands.
 I mean, if this is considered "hoarding" at least she's a neat hoarder. And if this is "collecting" at least she gets things on super-duper clearance sale and she's not spending bagillions of dollars (for her own sake. But I mean, Wenisa and I can only eat off of ONE snowman plate at a time. I just think of all of the sad Easter paraphernalia that is just waiting to be used for 2 weeks up in the attic...


SSRIs out the Wahzoo...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wounded Soldier.

Babcia whipped out the Christmas decorations the other day... She usually does a beautiful job.

Unfortunately I had to eat dinner with THIS above my head:
Mr. Nutcracker the hip and ankle disarticulation amputee... poor little guy.
What is she thinking putting this up for a decoration?! Putting this poor nutcracker on display with his leg just HANGING there is just so sad. Poor Nutcracker.

I hope Santa brings you a prosthetic leg. <3 and a foot.

NSAIDS and Opiods for phantom limb pain,

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Mysterious Mystery.

Scene of the crime: The Kitchen.

Exhibit A (Primary Evidence): Bag of pine-cones. A cookie sheet with aluminum foil on it, and approximately 10 pine-cones precariously placed upon the cookie sheet. Oven preheated to 350 degrees F.
Exhibit A.
Exhibit B (Secondary Evidence): 2 hours later, a plastic bag containing a can of red spray paint, one container of silver glitter, and one container of gold glitter appeared on the counter-top.

WHAT DO YOU THINK? ... What would be your next move?

Here's what I did:

Statement from the Defendant: "I'm baking pine-cones and then painting them red, then covering them in glitter for the Garden Club... It may smell like pine in here soon..."

Verdict:  I should have assumed something as easy as COOKING PINE-CONES. What? It was the strangest thing to see... Pine-cones in the oven.

Xanax and Seroquel,