Thursday, February 24, 2011

Online Dating.

Did you know this existed?!

Babcia's thoughts on online dating for senior citizens:
Maybe I should get her this book. I find it ironic that they have an "Online Dating" book in print, but I guess... it's more ridiculous that they have a full book on it. ALSO have it for the Kindle.
  • I can't even call up Google never mind use Facebook for the thumber, so how would I go online dates?
  • I had a wonderful marriage and I really don't need anyone... that just leads to nonsense
  • I don't mind lunch, and I don't mind dinner, but I definitely don't want to be dessert!  
 I guess I should just be glad that I just have to routinely reset every single password to Babcia's bank accounts online because she forgets them all and messes them all up, and that I don't have to set up an online dating profile for her... what a nightmare that would be!

Lyrica and Lovenox,

1 comment:

  1. they are able to fill an entire book because it is all LARGE PRINT TEXT!
