My encounter with my grandmother in the kitchen this morning while I'm eating breakfast. I do have to give my grandmother "props". She's learning our lingo (more and more, and more about that in the next post) however the woman gets up every morning and makes me 3 eggs EVERY MORNING before I go off to work. She does this at 5:30am! She's usually up at 5am. She's really spoiling me.
Trying to pour THIS...
into THIS..tiny hole.
Anyway. So as I'm eating the wonderfully delicious eggs, and I'm watching her trying to pour olive oil from a big metal tin into a small glass bottle to refill it. She was getting covered in oil. She wasn't using a funnel or anything, she was just trying to aim. There was no real "spout" on the tin can, so it wasn't really going into the bottle. I finally go her to take the plastic part off of the opening of the glass bottle she was pouring into, and then things flowed a little smoother. She was still COVERED in oil.
This is was the killer for me. As she's standing, elbow-deep in EVOO (thank you Rachael Ray, Extra Virgin Olive Oil) she says:
"I feel like I'm cleaning off animals in the Gulf of Mexico's oil spill!"
YOU DO? You're in your own kitchen sink! The oil is's covering your HANDS!
Goodness gracious. Love her to death.
Enoxaparin and Erythromycin,
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