This is a growing list of words and or phrases from either myself/Wenisa or from Babcia that we have had to use the Grandma-to-English Translator for. Bridging generation gaps with our speech has proven to be a challenge.
"I'm Good"
Babcia - Well I don't know... It's a nebulous term. Do you know what nebulous means? (No...) I think people need to say Yes if they mean "YES", or No if they mean "NO". What's the matter with "No thank you, or Yes please?"
Justine and Wenisa - I'm Good means. I'm all set. I don't want it, or I'm content. It's nicer then "No."
Babcia - I have NO idea. I do understand the other definitions for the other words you gave me...
Justine and Wenisa - Whore and Slut? Right...that's the same as a skank.
Justine and Wenisa - I don't even want to guess
Babcia - It's that thing you both do at the dinner table with your thumbs and your twittering!! Dinner time is a time for NON-THUMBING!
*Justine answers the phone* "Hey..."
Babcia - What happened to "HELLO?"
Straz (Friend on the phone) - That's SO two decades ago!
"I was very busy, I didn't know what to do next... do I felt like a one armed paper hanger with diarrhea"
Justine and Wenisa - WHAT? How can you have a hanger with one side? And how can it have diarrhea?
Babcia - It means I was trying to multitask. It's so pitiful, because you kids don't understand this. When you hang wallpaper, you put paste on the back of the wallpaper paper that's the height of the room, like 8 or 9 ft long. You need two hands to get to to get it to stick to the wall. If you had only one arm, you'd have a problem, and if you had diarrhea, you'd REALLY have a problem!
Babcia - Never heard of it.
Justine and Wenisa - Best Friend For Life.
Babcia - Oh BFF! O-M-G...I know that one!
Lots of Love and Lovenox,
Justine and Wenisa
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