Babcia has been very upset lately. She is continuously teary eyed over the multitude of men that have walked out on her at the end of 2010.
Let's Review:
Mike Hydeck |
1. Mike Hydeck - Morning WFSB News Anchor: Every morning upon rising from my bed and shuffling downstairs to grab some breakfast, I was always happy to see a little Scot Haney and Mike Hydeck in the morning. Fine looking older man. Apparently he has now betrayed our loyalty and switched over to Channel Nine? Wha??? People watch Ch.9 for news? I don't even know what to say Mike. What a downgrade... I'm disappointed. Now Eric Parker has to deliver our news with a smile... He just doesn't brighten Babcia's morning like Mike did. He and Scot would just make her giggle!
Harry Smith |
2. Harry Smith - CBS Early Show Anchor: Let's just say, Babcia LOVES her morning news. First it was one of the female anchors to leave, then she caught wind that her beloved HARRY was leaving the Early Show too! She couldn't believe it, made me look it up, asked why, asked where he was going, etc. The first commercial we saw for the "new Early Show team" was horrifying to her. Harry Smith is most definitely a silver fox in Babcia's eyes... too bad he was replaced by a dapper looking younger gentlemen, with more spunk!
Randy Edsell |
3. Randy Edsell - UConn Football Team: Post Fiesta Bowl, Randy not only walked out on the UConn Football team and community, but he walked right out of Babcia's life as well. This one was most definitely unforgivable and THERE'S NO GOING BACK. Randy did the unthinkable and left for the University of Maryland without even telling his team, or giving his personal phone call/text to Babcia. That was definitely uncalled for Randy. Totally uncalled for. Babcia is heartbroken.
Ryan Reynolds
4. Ryan Reynolds - Hottie Extraordinaire: This is one man that has COME BACK into Babcia's life. Ryan Reynolds is BACK on the market after his recent divorce, and Babcia hasn't let me forget about it. She mentions it probably once a day. I don't blame her...he is remarkably delicious.
If Ryan's looking for a cougar, Babcia's the lady to call...she'll be waiting by the phone, however I hope he's persistent, because it is like Grand Central Station with the amount of phone calls that come through here!
Atenolol and Metoprolol,