The other week, Wenisa and Babcia and I took a trip to see a lecture the Michael J. Fox was doing at our university. The place was absolutely packed. We luckily had some wonderful friends that saved us some seats because we were running late. Since we had to get there almost an hour early and sit in our seats until it began, we were all sitting aroung, some were talking, however it you looked around, most people were texting people across the auditorium. I know I was. I hadn't been up to school for a while and I was trying to locate my friends who I knew were there and see how they were. It was clearly TOO loud to call them, so texting is clearly the preferable way to silently be in contact with multiple people at the same time. Most people in our generation know this...
Babcia on the other hand was getting a bit frustrated. I was sitting next to her and wasn't talking to her, because I was too busy texting. (Yea, it was pretty rude of me...) All of a sudden, Babcia whips (not her hair back and forth) but her phone out of her purse and opens it up and starts pushing the buttons, leans to the girl next to her and says:
"I was feeling left out..."
(Got her to turn it on...) Never seen a happier texter! |
I then explained to her, that if she was going to pretend to text...she should probably
turn the phone ON so that her texting looks a little more realistic.
She then hung out with Wenisa and I and a bunch of other female pharmacy students from our pharmacy fraternity who were eager to meet her.
She was also recently spotted in CVS.
I hope Perez doesn't catch wind and start editing the pictures of her I put up here.
YOU had a Babcia siting lately?
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